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Packaged Cider

The packaged cider market known as LAD (long alcoholic drink) is still evolving. Apple cider pioneered the category, followed by pear and now fruit ciders are getting the most attention as brand owners are experimenting with more flavours. There is also a growing interest in tradional cider varieties.
Sales of cider are still soaring, this is mainly down to fruit ciders in bottles, with sales up 68.2% and now representing 25% of the total market. Over 50% of consumers tried a flavoured cider last year.
However the original mainstream apple ciders such as Magners and Bulmer a still selling strong within the category with apple cider selling 53% of all bottled cider sold.
Cider drinkers are no longer categorised as 18 – 25, but now range to 35 plus and as drinkers mature, so do their palates and as a result ciders really have to evolve with them, hence the continued new innovation from companies such as Bulmers, Kopparberg, Rekorderlig and Thatchers continuously extending their range all of which are available from Hutton Wholesale.