"Local People Serving Local People"
Gin & Premium Tonics
Our Premium Gin Brands Include:
The Botanist
King of Soho
Sir Robin Of Loxley
Sharish Blue Magic
Chesterfield Gin
Grain Artisan
Whitley Neil
Our Premium Flavoured Gins Include:
Buss 509 – Peach, Raspberry
Edinburgh – Elderflower, Raspberry, Plum & Vanilla
Masons – Lavender, Tea
Warner Edwards – Rhubarb, Elderflower
Slingsby – Rhubarb
Pinkster – Raspberry
Gordons Pink

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Who would have thought in the 16th century that a product derived for medicinal purposes would turn out to be one of the 21st century’s most creative, innovative and interesting drinking trends.
Dutch soldiers were famed for drinking a shot of “Genever” or gin as it’s known today before heading into battle, a custom latterly noted by English Soldiers as “Dutch Courage”.
Fast forward to the modern era and the “Gin Craze” shows no sign of stopping.
With gin sales set to top £1 billion this year NOW is time to focus and invest in an exciting gin range.
Hutton Wholesale are continuing to develop their gin range for top quality “clear” gins to any number of flavoured variants we have a range to suit your needs and more importantly the needs of your consumers.
This particular “Drinking Trend Revolution” also opens up an exciting category of “Premium Tonics”, these products can stand at the side of “Standard Tonic” and create a whole new category of intrigue and exploration with interesting flavours such As Elderflower and Mediterranean or alternatively one step higher we have Double Dutch with taste sensations such as Pomegranate & Basil tonic.
Both categories sit brilliantly side by side and offer a cosmopolitan approach to your consumers drinking experience. Gin and Double Dutch Pomegranate & Basil or a flavoured gin with straight tonic.